Wednesday, August 27, 2008



by shoring “a’s” rondure
“a” Photo Shops® minikins [see minneken: Modern Dutch]
frame by frame
Mimir guarding Ygdrasil inverts gigabites
8:46 till 9:17
dubs toll bridge a circumstance
hilt to imagined hilt it’s
whitman vs. ginsberg
marginal as eye
& under a vent—suzerain accords
read poetry at six angles
9:30 till 10:28
“D” “E” “R” “R” “I” “D” “A” comma
et mulch, et scion, et molar, et “S” “T” “E” “I” “N”
12:42 till 12:56
instructive session
spectacular as clockwork’s
manque paparazzi [rummagers in old papers]
power systems wishful copper society
dew ass thee roam ends dew
1:47 till 2:51
“Yesterday, mom &
“M” “I” “C” “H” “A” “E” “L” “P” “A” “L” “M” “E” “R,”
proved isosceles an asshole,
thimbles wept,
so-called by Romantics
of Info.”

Same as Kafka's Suits for Daddy

Cranberry watusies
same as Kafka's suits
for daddy forgets
comingling fibres
to art of death edicts

A keen the other
jangles white as
plops itself down
on drops of paint
not onto not space

Objects cranky is
as cranky heirloom
for which to relate
exists unsalvaged
openly of Pollock

A mustang's special
fluids to howitzers
vanishes portholes
bluer on canvas
canvased at collage.